
[轉貼]Table of CGI variable names

Table of CGI variable names

IBM® Lotus® Domino® captures the following CGI variables through a field or a LotusScript agent. You can also capture any CGI variable preceded by HTTP or HTTPS. For example, cookies are sent to the server by the browser as HTTP_Cookie.
For more information about CGI environment variables, see:
Field nameReturns
Auth_TypeIf the server supports user authentication and the script is protected, this is the protocol-specific authentication method used to validate the user.
Content_LengthThe length of the content, as given by the client.
Content_TypeFor queries that have attached information, such as HTTP POST and PUT, this is the content type of the data.
Gateway_InterfaceThe version of the CGI spec with which the server complies.
HTTP_AcceptThe MIME types that the client accepts, as specified by HTTP headers.
HTTP_Accept_languageThe languages that the client accepts, as specified by HTTP headers.
HTTP_RefererThe URL of the page the user used to get here.
HTTPSIndicates if SSL mode is enabled for the server.
HTTPS_CLIENT_CERT_COMMON_NAMEThe common name on the x.509 certificate
HTTPS_CLIENT_CERT_ISSUER_COMMON_NAMEThe issuer of the x.509 certificate
HTTPS_KEYSIZEThe session key during an SSL session. For example, 40-bit, 128-bit.
HTTP_User_AgentThe browser that the client is using to send the request.
Path_InfoThe extra path information (from the server's root HMTL directory), as given by the client. In other words, scripts can be accessed by their virtual path name, followed by extra information that is sent as PATH_INFO.
Path_Info_DecodedReturns the same as Path_Info, but decodes the string. For example, if a URL references a view name that contains characters that are not allowed a URL, the name is encoded. This CGI variable decodes the string. Path_Info_Decoded is available to Domino applications only.
Path_TranslatedThe server provides a translated version of PATH_INFO, which takes the path and does any virtual-to-physical mapping to it.
Query_StringThe information that follows the question mark (?) in the URL that referenced this script.
Note If your Domino server is configured to allow search engines to search your Web site Domino will generate URLs with an exclamation mark (!) instead of a question mark (?). If this is the case the Query_String CGI variable includes the information that follows the exclamation mark (!). Domino always recognizes both the question mark (?) and the exclamation mark (!), but only generates URLs with the exclamation mark (!) if your site is accessible to Web search engines.Generating URLs with an exclamation mark (!) makes them more searchable.
Query_String_DecodedReturns the same as Query_String, but decodes the string. For example, if a URL references a view name that contains characters that are not allowed in a URL, the name is encoded. This CGI variable decodes that string. Path_Info_Decoded is available to Domino applications only.
Remote_AddrThe IP address of the remote host making the request.
Remote_HostThe name of the host making the request.
Remote_IdentThis variable will be set to the remote user name retrieved from the server. Use this variable only for logging.
Remote_UserAuthentication method that returns the authenticated user name.
Request_ContentSupported only for agents. Contains the data sent with an HTTP POST request. The data is usually "URLencoded," consisting of name=value pairs concatenated by ampersands. For example, FirstName=John&LastName=Doe
Request_Content_nnnUsed when the amount of data to be sent with an HTTP POST request exceeds the 64K limit. The first 64K of data is sent in Request_Content_000, the second 64K of data is sent in Request_Content_001, and so on.
Request_MethodThe method used to make the request. For HTTP, this is "GET," "HEAD," "POST," and so on.
Script_NameA virtual path to the script being executed, used for self-referencing URLs.
Server_NameThe server's host name, DNS alias, or IP address as it would appear in self-referencing URLs.
Server_ProtocolThe name and revision of the information protocol accompanying this request.
Server_PortThe port to which the request was sent.
Server_SoftwareThe name and version of the information server software running the CGI program.
Server_URL_Gateway_InterfaceThe version of the CGI spec with which the server complies.
See examples
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