Table of Notes and Domino known limits
The following table summarizes the known maximum limits of various IBM® Lotus® Notes® and
IBM® Lotus® Domino® features.
IBM® Lotus® Domino® features.
Item | Maximum limit |
Database size | The maximum OS file size limit -- (up to 64GB) |
Text field size | 32KB (storage); 32KB displayed in a view's column |
Rich text field size | Limited only by available disk space up to 1GB |
Response levels in a hierarchical view; number of documents per level | 31 levels; 300,000 documents |
Characters in names | Database Title: 96 bytes Filenames: On Windows® and UNIX® platforms minimum of 255 and/or OS limits; on local Macintosh workstation 31 Field names: 32 characters (32 bytes in SBCS, 64 bytes in DBCS) View names: 63 bytes per level, 127 total including one separator Form names: 63 bytes per level, 127 total including one separator Agent names: 63 bytes per level, 127 total including one separator |
Fields in a database | ~ 3000 (limited to ~ 64K total length for all field names). You can enable the database property "Allow more fields in database" to get up to 22,893 uniquely-named fields in the database. |
Columns in a table | 64 |
Rows in a table | 255 |
Views in a database | No limit; however, as the number of views increases, the length of time to display other views also increases |
Forms in a database | Limited only by database size. |
Columns in a view | 289 ten-character columns; dependent upon # or characters per column |
Documents imported into a view | Documents totaling at least 350K |
Cascading views in a database | 200 |
Margin size (in inches) | 46 |
Page cropping size (in inches) | 46 |
Point size to select or print | 250 |
Documents in a view | Up to the maximum size of the database |
Documents that can be exported to tabular text | Limited only by available disk space |
Entries in an Access Control List (ACL) | ~950 names (ACL size is limited to 32767 bytes) |
Roles in an Access Control List | 75 Roles |
ID password length | 63 characters |
Authorized users on a multiple password ID | 8 users |
Outline entries in an outline | ~21,000 entries |
Length limit for a macro language string literal | 2048 bytes Note Strings in formula language are represented internally in the LMBCS character set, which uses one byte for an ASCII character, but may require up to 4 bytes for some non-ASCII characters. |
Notes API objects when using Java™ | ~104,800 |
Limits on string data representation in LotusScript
The following table lists the limits on representation of string data.
Item | Maximum |
Number of strings | Limited by available memory. |
Total string storage | Limited by available memory. |
Length of a string literal | 16,267 characters (32,000 bytes). |
Length of a string value | 2G bytes |
Total string literal storage in a module | 2G bytes |
Limits on array variables in LotusScript
The following table lists limits on representation of data by array variables.
Item | Maximum or range |
Array storage size | Limited by available memory |
Number of dimensions | 8 |
Bounds of a dimension | -32,768 to 32,767 (the range of values of the Integer data type) |
Number of elements | Determined by memory available for data, and by the storage size of each element of the array, which varies with the array data type. For example, a Long one-dimensional fixed array declared in type scope can have 16,128 elements. (The total storage size available for fixed-size data in module scope is 64K bytes, and a Long element requires 4 bytes for storage.) |
Limits on file operations in LotusScript
The following table lists limits on miscellaneous items related to file operations and I/O.
Item | Maximum |
Number of files open simultaneously | Determined by the product from which you start LotusScript |
fileNumber in Open statement | 255 |
recLen in Open statement | 32,767 |
Line length of a line written by Write statement | 255 characters |
Number of items in Print, Write, or Input statement | 255 |
Number of characters in path in MkDir, RmDir, or ChDir statement | 128. This includes the drive specifier, if any. |
Limits in miscellaneous source language statements in LotusScript
The following table lists limits on miscellaneous language elements.
Item | Maximum |
Number of characters in a LotusScript identifier, not including a data type suffix character | 40 |
Number of arguments in definition of a function or sub | 31 |
Number of labels in an On...GoTo statement | 255 |
Limits on compiler and compiled program structure in LotusScript
The following table lists limits on miscellaneous items related to compiling a script.
Item | Maximum |
Number of lines per script or source file, not including the contents of %Include files | 64K |
Depth of nested %Include directives | 16 |
Number of compilation errors before the LotusScript compiler halts | 20 |
Number of symbols in a module's symbol table. | 64K |
Number of recursive calls (recursion level for a given function) | 32Kbyte stack size |
Storage size of all data in a given scope (See "Storage size of data," below.) | Module: Limited by available memory.Class: 64K bytes Procedure: 32K bytes |
Size of executable module code | Limited by available memory. |
Storage size of data
The limits on the storage size of data in a given scope apply to fixed-size variables: scalar variables except for variable-length strings; user-defined type variables; and fixed arrays of these scalar variables and user-defined type variables. Depending on the order of declaration, alignment of variables on storage boundaries can take extra space. For example, an Integer variable is aligned on a 2-byte boundary, and a Long variable is aligned on a 4-byte boundary.
The maximum size of data in each dynamic variable (each variable-length string, each list, each dynamic array, and each instance of a class) is limited by available memory. However, each such variable will use 4 bytes for data in the scope where it is declared.
Because of run-time needs, LotusScript might generate an Out of stack error just before it reaches the data storage size limit.參考文章:
IBM Knowledge Center
Lotus Domino Designer 6 Help - Language and Script Limits