
Lotus Domino 各種項目的最大值

挑戰極限Lotus Domino各項目的最大值

Table of Notes and Domino known limits

The following table summarizes the known maximum limits of various IBM® Lotus® Notes® and
IBM® Lotus® Domino® features.
Maximum limit
Database sizeThe maximum OS file size limit -- (up to 64GB)
Text field size32KB (storage); 32KB displayed in a view's column
Rich text field sizeLimited only by available disk space up to 1GB
Response levels in a hierarchical view; number of documents per level31 levels; 300,000 documents
Characters in namesDatabase Title: 96 bytes
Filenames: On Windows® and UNIX® platforms minimum of 255 and/or OS limits; on local Macintosh workstation 31
Field names: 32 characters (32 bytes in SBCS, 64 bytes in DBCS)
View names: 63 bytes per level, 127 total including one separator
Form names: 63 bytes per level, 127 total including one separator
Agent names: 63 bytes per level, 127 total including one separator
Fields in a database~ 3000 (limited to ~ 64K total length for all field names). You can enable the database property "Allow more fields in database" to get up to 22,893 uniquely-named fields in the database.
Columns in a table64
Rows in a table255
Views in a databaseNo limit; however, as the number of views increases, the length of time to display other views also increases
Forms in a databaseLimited only by database size.
Columns in a view289 ten-character columns; dependent upon # or characters per column
Documents imported into a viewDocuments totaling at least 350K
Cascading views in a database200
Margin size (in inches)46
Page cropping size (in inches)46
Point size to select or print250
Documents in a viewUp to the maximum size of the database
Documents that can be exported to tabular textLimited only by available disk space
Entries in an Access Control List (ACL)~950 names (ACL size is limited to 32767 bytes)
Roles in an Access Control List75 Roles
ID password length63 characters
Authorized users on a multiple password ID8 users
Outline entries in an outline~21,000 entries
Length limit for a macro language string literal2048 bytes
Note Strings in formula language are represented internally in the LMBCS character set, which uses one byte for an ASCII character, but may require up to 4 bytes for some non-ASCII characters.
Notes API objects when using Java~104,800

Limits on string data representation in LotusScript 
The following table lists the limits on representation of string data.
Number of stringsLimited by available memory.
Total string storageLimited by available memory.
Length of a string literal16,267 characters (32,000 bytes).
Length of a string value2G bytes
Total string literal storage in a module2G bytes
Note Even though strings in LotusScript 4 can be longer than 64K, there are still restrictions with the length of the string you can read or write using the GET and PUT statements. The only combination of filetypes that will work with long strings is with a binary file and a variable-length string. Fixed-length strings, strings in variants, and random files will not work with strings greater than 64K in length because they have a two-byte header which contains the length of the string. Two bytes cannot represent more than 64K.

Limits on array variables in LotusScript 
The following table lists limits on representation of data by array variables.
ItemMaximum or range
Array storage sizeLimited by available memory
Number of dimensions8
Bounds of a dimension-32,768 to 32,767 (the range of values of the Integer data type)
Number of elementsDetermined by memory available for data, and by the storage size of each element of the array, which varies with the array data type. For example, a Long one-dimensional fixed array declared in type scope can have 16,128 elements. (The total storage size available for fixed-size data in module scope is 64K bytes, and a Long element requires 4 bytes for storage.)

Limits on file operations in LotusScript 
The following table lists limits on miscellaneous items related to file operations and I/O.
Number of files open simultaneouslyDetermined by the product from which you start LotusScript
fileNumber in Open statement255
recLen in Open statement32,767
Line length of a line written by Write statement255 characters
Number of items in Print, Write, or Input statement255
Number of characters in path in MkDir, RmDir, or ChDir statement128. This includes the drive specifier, if any.

Limits in miscellaneous source language statements in LotusScript 
The following table lists limits on miscellaneous language elements.
Number of characters in a LotusScript identifier, not including a data type suffix character40
Number of arguments in definition of a function or sub31
Number of labels in an On...GoTo statement255

Limits on compiler and compiled program structure in LotusScript 
The following table lists limits on miscellaneous items related to compiling a script.
Number of lines per script or source file, not including the contents of %Include files64K
Depth of nested %Include directives16
Number of compilation errors before the LotusScript compiler halts20
Number of symbols in a module's symbol table.64K
Number of recursive calls (recursion level for a given function)32Kbyte stack size
Storage size of all data in a given scope (See "Storage size of data," below.)Module: Limited by available memory.Class: 64K bytes
Procedure: 32K bytes
Size of executable module codeLimited by available memory.

Storage size of data
The limits on the storage size of data in a given scope apply to fixed-size variables: scalar variables except for variable-length strings; user-defined type variables; and fixed arrays of these scalar variables and user-defined type variables. Depending on the order of declaration, alignment of variables on storage boundaries can take extra space. For example, an Integer variable is aligned on a 2-byte boundary, and a Long variable is aligned on a 4-byte boundary.
The maximum size of data in each dynamic variable (each variable-length string, each list, each dynamic array, and each instance of a class) is limited by available memory. However, each such variable will use 4 bytes for data in the scope where it is declared.
Because of run-time needs, LotusScript might generate an Out of stack error just before it reaches the data storage size limit.

IBM Knowledge Center

Lotus Domino Designer 6 Help - Language and Script Limits

